1.登場人物 Character 2.問題 Problem 3.案内役 Guide 4.計画 Plan 5.行動 Calls Them to Action 6.失敗 Failure 7.成功 Success
1.What does the hero want? ヒーローは何を求めているのか
2.Who or what is opposing the hero getting what she wants? 誰がまたは何がヒーローがそれを手にすることを妨げているのか
3.What will the hero's life look like if she does(or does not)get what she wants? ヒーローがそれを手にした時、ヒーローの人生はどうなるべきか
1.What do you offer? あなたは何を提供しているのか?
2.How will it make my life better? 私の人生をどのようによくするのか
3.What do I need to do to buy it. それを買うために私は何をする必要があるのか
Every night when I get home. I keep asking myself where the years went. Don’t get me wrong, I love with Shannah, but those years with the boys… those quiet times when their eyes lit up and they believed that anything in the world is possible.
The year you had him was the best of his life… you don’t see yourself as a bad cat owner any more.
Every life she had tried so far had really been someone else’s dream… if she was to find a life truly worth living, she realised she would have to cast a wider net.