The year you had him was the best of his life… you don’t see yourself as a bad cat owner any more.
Every life she had tried so far had really been someone else’s dream… if she was to find a life truly worth living, she realised she would have to cast a wider net.
Motion makes you feel like you're getting things done. But really, you're just preparing to get something done.
1.What went well this year?
2.What didn't go so well this year?
3.What did I learn?
1.What are the core values that derive my life and work?
2.How am I living and working with integrity right now?
3.How can I set a higher standard in the future.
またMicroconversionとMacroconversionというように、コンバージョンを二つに分けて考えている点も興味深い。3のConstruct a hypothesisでは、単純に思う仮説ではなく、ユザーインタビューやご意見フォーム、フォーカスグループなどを通じてより精度の高い仮説を挙げることを推奨している。この辺はかけられる工数によって実践していきたいと思った。
A question worth asking about every test is, “Would you be happy showing the winning variation to all of your traffic”
There’s a joke among A/B testing veterans that almost any variation of a button loses to a button that says “Free Beer.” ABテスト業界にはこんな冗談があります。どんなボタンバリエーションも「無料ビール」というボタンには叶わないと。