オススメ度 ★★★☆☆ 3/5
Fuzzy goals must give a team a sense of direction and purpose while leaving team members free to follow their intuitions.
- 1.Opening and Closing
- 2.Fire Starting
- 3.Artifacts
- 4.Node Generation
- 5.Meaningful Space
- 6.Sketching and Model Making
- 7.Randomness, Reversal, and Reframing
- 8.Improvisation
- 9.Selection
- 10.Try Something New
- The 7Ps framework
- Affinity Map
- Body Storming
- Card Sort
- Dot Voting
- Empathy Map
- Forced Ranking
- Post-Up
- Storyboard
- WhoDo
- 3-12-3 Brainstorm
- The Anti-Problem
- Brainwriting
- Context Map
- Cover Story
- Draw the Problem
- Fishbowl
- Forced Analogy
- Graphic Jam
- Heuristic Ideation Technique
- History Map
- Image-ination
- Low-Tech Social Network
- Mission Impossible
- Object Brainstorm
- Pecha Kucha/Ignite
- Pie Chart Agenda
- Poster Session
- Pre-Mortem
- Show and Tell
- Show Me Your Values
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Spectrum Mapping
- Trading Cards
- Visual Agenda
- Welcome to My World
- The 4Cs
- The 5 Whys
- Affinity Map
- Atomize
- The Blind Side
- Build Checklist
- Business Model Canvas
- Button
- Campfire
- Challenge Cards
- Customer, Employee, Shareholder
- Design the Box
- Do, Redo & Undo
- Elevator Pitch
- Five-Fingered Consensus
- Flip it
- Forced Field Analysis
- Give-and-Take Matrix
- Heart, Hand, Mind
- Help Me Understand
- Make a World
- Mood Board
- Open Space
- Pain-Gain Map
- The Pitch
- Product Pinocchio
- Pose the Path
- RACI Matrix
- Red:Green Cards
- Speedboat
- Staple Yourself to Something
- SWOT Analysis
- Synesthesia
- Talking Chips
- Understanding Chain
- Value Mapping
- The Virtuous Cycle
- Visual Glossary
- Wizard of Oz
- The World Cafe
- クロージングのためのワークショップ
- $100 Test
- 20/20 Vision
- Ethos, Logos, Pathos
- Graphic Gameplan
- Impact & Effort Matrix
- Memory Wall
- NUF Test
- Plus/Delta
- Prune the Future
- Start, Stop, Continue
- Who/What/When Matrix